August 26

Seeking out shipwrecks -- bad stuff that happens is the best that could happen that we could learn from

August 27

Laugh or Cry -- don't get angry or sad (emo) with things that are indifferent to our feelings. Laugh with it.

August 28

The opulent stoic -- be happy with what you have.

August 29

want nothing = have everything  -- change what it is that you want,  change it and you'll get it.

August 30

when you feel lazy --- when u do something and feel lazy while doing it, ask yourself why? and if it needs to be done, what is behind the why? If the reason(s) are superficial, drop them.

August 31

Consider your failings too --- be forgiving of people. Cut them some slack, as you are not perfect yourself.

Sept 1

A strong soul is better than good luck --- train yourself to be indifferent, let come what may ... Be strong and resilient in your daily life

Sept 2

The philosopher's school is a hospital --- Some stoic philosophy will hurt old beliefs.  That is how the will and strength to endure are enveloped.

September 3

First, a hard winter training -- to achieve victory/do well, one must dedicate every second and every resource to preparation and training. Always be prepared for what life might throw at us, so when it does, we're ready and don't stop until we've handled it

Sept 4

How Can You Know Whether You've Never Been Tested -- Bad experiences can make you a stronger person inside, as you would how to react to it for a sec time.